How Clinical Pilates Can Improve Posture And Relieve Back Pain

How Clinical Pilates Can Improve Posture And Relieve Back Pain | mhealth Mentone Physio Pilates Podiatry

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Do you suffer from poor posture or chronic back pain? Have you tried various remedies without success? Clinical Pilates may be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Poor posture and back pain are common issues that many people face due to our sedentary lifestyles and lack of physical activity. Traditional treatment methods, like medication, can provide temporary relief, but they often fail to address the root cause of the problem. Clinical Pilates, on the other hand, focuses on strengthening the core muscles, improving flexibility, and enhancing body awareness, which can lead to long-lasting relief from pain and improved posture.

Clinical Pilates can help improve posture, relieve back pain, and enhance overall well-being. If you’re tired of living with chronic pain and discomfort, clinical Pilates may be the key to a healthier, happier life. 

Common causes of back pain

  • Erector spinae muscle force and improper activation (i.e., excessive tension!).
  • Reduced trunk and gluteal muscle strength.
  • Strength imbalances in the trunk and gluteal muscles.
  • Poor behavioural habits, such as prolonged postures.
  • Increased activity loads.
  • Increased life and work stress.

What is clinical Pilates? 

Clinical Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on correct co-ordination and strengthening the deep abdominal muscles and back muscles that support the spine. When these muscles are poorly co-ordinated or weak, it can cause bad posture and associated aches and pains. Clinical Pilates exercises help to strengthen these muscles, which leads to better posture and less pain. 

Key distinctions between traditional Pilates and clinical Pilates

Here’s a breakdown of the key distinctions between traditional Pilates and clinical Pilates:

Traditional Pilates

  • Focuses on overall physical well-being, improving aspects like, strength, flexibility, balance, core stability, and posture. It caters to a wider audience seeking general fitness improvement or injury prevention.
  • Taught by Pilates instructors who are certified in the specific method they teach. While qualified, they may not have a background in healthcare or rehabilitation.
  • Generally follows a more standardised class format, with exercises tailored to the specific Pilates method and equipment used (mat, reformer, etc.) rather than the individuals in the class 
  • May use various props like weights, resistance bands, and balls to enhance the exercises.

Clinical Pilates

  • Primarily used for patient-specific treatment following an injury, surgery, or managing chronic conditions. It addresses individual needs and limitations to aid in rehabilitation and recovery.
  • Led by physiotherapists or exercise physiologists who have undergone additional training in Pilates on top of their existing clinical expertise. This allows them to assess individual needs, modify exercises, and ensure safe and effective application for specific conditions.
  • Highly individualised and adaptable. The instructor performs an initial assessment to understand the participant’s medical history, limitations, and goals. Exercises are then tailored and modified to address specific needs and progress is closely monitored.
  • Might utilise similar props as traditional Pilates, but may also incorporate additional specialised equipment based on the specific needs of the participant.

In essence, while both share the core principles of Pilates, clinical Pilates offers a more specialised and therapeutic approach under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. It’s crucial to choose the type of Pilates that best aligns with your individual goals and health conditions. 

How Clinical Pilates Can Improve Posture And Relieve Back Pain | mhealth Mentone Physio Pilates Podiatry

Improve your posture and reduce your back pain with clinical Pilates

Clinical Pilates can be a valuable tool for improving posture and relieving back pain. Here’s how:

1. Focus on core strength

Clinical Pilates emphasises strengthening the core muscles, which are crucial for supporting the spine and maintaining proper posture. By strengthening these muscles, you can improve your body’s ability to hold itself upright and reduce strain on your back.

2. Muscle imbalance correction

Back pain often stems from imbalances in the muscles surrounding the spine. Clinical Pilates exercises target these imbalances, helping to lengthen tight muscles and strengthen weakened ones, leading to improved posture and reduced pain.

3. Enhanced flexibility

Tight hamstrings and hip flexors can contribute to poor posture and back pain. Clinical Pilates incorporates stretches that improve flexibility in these areas, allowing for better movement patterns and reducing stress on the lower back.

4. Postural awareness

Clinical Pilates emphasises body awareness, helping you understand how your body moves and identify postural imbalances. This awareness allows you to make conscious adjustments to your posture throughout the day, preventing pain and promoting long-term improvement.

5. Individualised approach

Unlike regular Pilates classes, clinical Pilates is tailored to your specific needs and limitations. A qualified instructor will assess your posture, identify any muscle imbalances or injuries, and design a personalised program to address your back pain and improve your posture.

How Clinical Pilates Can Improve Posture And Relieve Back Pain | mhealth Mentone Physio Pilates Podiatry

Final thoughts

So, if you’re looking to improve your posture and relieve back pain, clinical Pilates might just be the answer you’ve been searching for. With its focus on strengthening your deep core muscles and improving flexibility, it’s a gentle yet effective way to get your body back on track. Remember, a healthy spine leads to a healthier life, so why not give clinical Pilates a try? Your body will thank you!

Book your clinical Pilates pre-assessment appointment with one of our highly skilled physiotherapists today!

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How Clinical Pilates Can Improve Posture And Relieve Back Pain | mhealth Mentone Physio Pilates Podiatry
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How Clinical Pilates Can Improve Posture And Relieve Back Pain

Do you suffer from poor posture or chronic back pain? Have you tried various remedies without success? Clinical Pilates may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Poor posture and back pain are common issues that many people face due to our sedentary lifestyles and lack of physical activity. Traditional treatment methods, like medication, can

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